Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast
A board game podcast where your hosts Chris Alley, Cameron Lockey, Jason Yanchuleff, and Bill Arney review unusual, forgotten and under-appreciated board games.
Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast
69. Halloween Spectacular: 2024
It's time for another cheesy skit, more Halloween trivia from Chris and a bunch of horrifying takes on a bunch of dusty, spooky games. What could be scarier?! Join the full crew: Chris Alley, Jason Yanchuleff, Bill Arney and Cameron Lockey as they bring you three ghoulish reviews of unusual, forgotten, and under-appreciated Halloween-themed games in this 2024 episode of Hidden Gems!
00:00:00 Sketch: Chapter I
00:05:52 Intro & Banter
00:26:05 Halloween Trivia Game Show
00:46:10 Sketch: Chapter II
00:52:30 Igor
01:27:43 Sketch: Chapter III
01:34:25 Wicked Witches Way
02:09:15 Sketch: Chapter IV
02:15:27 Run, Fight or Die
"I Is For Ice": Iain Rob Wright (with permission)
MUSIC & SOUND EFFECTS - courtesy of https://epidemicsound.com
I Is For Ice Score:
"Arbitrary Treatment" - Prozody
"Antagonist" - Spectacles Wallet and Watch
"An Obsession" - Dayon
"The Cost of Fear" - Jon Björk
"Mind Reading" - Edward Karl Hanson
"Dead Bodies" - Experia
"Rain G'azing" - Red Dictionary
"You Are Not Afraid" - Jon Björk
"Incandescence" - Silver Maple
"Impasse" - Silver Maple
"Closure of Things" - Cobby Costa
"Colossal Terror" - Jon Björk
"Strange Interference" - Cobby Costa
"Lost in Space" - Cobby Costa
"I Hear Voices" - Experia
"Mystery Potion" - Kikoru
Hidden Gems Intro Theme - "Spooky Gems", Travis Lockey, Royalty Free
Game Show Theme - "Trail of Crumbs", Martin Landstrom
Igor - "Uninvited Guests", Etienne Roussel
Wicked Witches Way - "The Friendly Ghost", Arthur Benson
Run, Fight or Die - "Zombie Raiders", Wave Saver
Email: hiddengemsboardgamepodcast@gmail.com
Web: https://hiddengems.games
Patreon: https://patreon.com/hiddengemspodcast
Instagram: @hiddengems.games
Facebook: @hiddengemsboardgamepodcast
Twitter: @hiddengemsboard
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR8wU2vjV2RJ7C6iRuq2WcA
BGG Guild #: 3874
Discord: https://discord.gg/aXThh3N5Kj
Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast was produced and edited by Chris Alley, Cameron Lockey, and Jason Yanchuleff in Raleigh, NC.