Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast
A board game podcast where your hosts Chris Alley, Cameron Lockey, Jason Yanchuleff, and Bill Arney review unusual, forgotten and under-appreciated board games.
Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast
57. Spiel des Jahres Losers: 2012 Edition
The Spiel series continues with a new installment of nominees from 2012! Dig in with you hosts Chris Alley, Cameron Lockey and Jason Yanchuleff as they take a look at another crop of prestigiously nominated, yet strangely overlooked games -- listen in to hear our thoughts on the Spiel judges' decisions!
00:00 Intro & Banter
00:27:19 Kulami
00:50:21 Miss Lupun
01:14:56 Kingdom Builder
MUSIC (courtesy of https://epidemicsound.com):
Kulami: “T Minus 5”, Farrell Wooten
Miss Lupun: “Manhattan Mystery”, Stationary Sign
Kingdom Builder: “Wonders”, Gavin Luke
Email: hiddengemsboardgamepodcast@gmail.com
Web: https://hiddengems.games
Patreon: https://patreon.com/hiddengemspodcast
Instagram: @hiddengems.games
Facebook: @hiddengemsboardgamepodcast
Twitter: @hiddengemsboard
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR8wU2vjV2RJ7C6iRuq2WcA
BGG Guild #: 3874
Discord: https://discord.gg/aXThh3N5Kj
Hidden Gems: A Board Game Podcast was produced and edited by Chris Alley, Cameron Lockey, and Jason Yanchuleff in Raleigh, NC.